Time sure does fly when you're writing, have the flu, take trips, and spend more time at pre-school dance class than you do at your own computer. During these times I have to take creative inspiration where I can get it! I keep cursing myself for not purchasing a notebook to keep in the car and find myself scribbling poetry and story ideas on the back of receipts stuffed in my jumbled up purse.
I have recently submitted some short stories to the
Oxford American magazine and the New Orleans Review. I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed and am determined not to let these magazines and others forget my name. The
Tennessee Williams Literary Festival in New Orleans has created a poetry competition that I intend to take a stab at in the near future as well.
To add to my monthly schedule, I am starting a chapter of the
Pulpwood Queen book club. I'm excited to gather my local friends for book discussions and various projects and road trips. Speaking of road trips, I have recently taken another excursion to New Orleans and I doubt it will be very long before I return once more. I just can't get enough! Each time I load the trunk of my car with plastic sacks of new and signed books to bring back home. The
Garden District Book Shop is a Southern reader's heaven! Many people drink, gamble, smoke...I read and drink coffee.
Where is human nature so weak as in the book store? - Henry Ward Beecher