I recently read somewhere to only write what you know and if you don't know about it, read about it. I once attended the Louisiana Book Festival in Baton Rouge and had the chance to ask Pulitzer Prize-winner Rick Bragg how one would know if a story is worth writing, and of course, eventually reading. He told me with all seriousness that if it means anything to me at all, then yes, it is most certainly worth it. I am determined to milk his reply for all it's worth. This is my journey. The ups. The downs. And all of the words in between.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Little Bit Here, A Little Bit There...

Waiting for my iced coffee with hazelnut, I watched the speckled brown finches swoop down from the clay awning, gathering twigs and the occasional french fry from the pollen dusted bushes lining the drive-thru. Aren't we all just gathering twigs for our nests?
- April, 9:05a.m.

Thoughts like these frequently cross my mind while driving, trying to sleep, and even taking a shower. Most times I do not have a notebook on hand and the eventual thought ends up being written down a bit skewed. Note to self: buy more notebooks for "twig" collecting.

I've been gathering quite a few twigs for my nest over the past two weeks. Many of them have been brittle, or have even snapped in half. I'm still waiting for the french fry! I currently have 3 articles going at once and have been doing extensive research on each. I've done everything from eating crawfish, driving south to look for frogs, and even found myself out in the woods looking for the grave of a possible saint. At the end of the day I'm overtaken by so many wonderful ideas for writing that I find it hard to sleep.

As for my creative fiction, aside from another submission round with the Southern Review, I have been lucky enough to have a great friend who has shared his writing expertise by giving me pointers on my newest short story. Owning his own publishing company and having written many books over the years, I am taking his critiques to heart in order to make my story even better than before.

I write down everything I want to remember. That way instead of spending a lot of time trying to remember what it is I wrote down, I spend the time looking for the paper I wrote it down on. - Beryl Pfizer (writer, actor)

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