I always know that I have received a response letter from the editor of a particular journal that I have submitted to when I spy an envelope in my mailbox written upon with my own handwriting. Believe it or not, the SASE does still exist.
I never know when one of these letters will show up in the day's stack of bills and bank statements and my breath always catches before opening one. The first couple of letters I received, I have to admit that I felt like a little kid opening presents on Christmas morning. I was let down when the only thing I found in my "stocking" was a lump of coal.
Thank you for letting us consider your work for publication in ____ Review. We found your writing to be of exceptional quality. Unfortunately.... blah blah blah.
I have gone through the various stages of emotion, much like a person grieving over a departed loved one. Initially I was very let down, sad even. My husband immediately responded to my disappointment with a hug and encouragement to trudge on and try again. I then resolved to be angry, offended that my literary works were brushed aside or rejected completely.
This week I have received two of these "not at this time" letters, one via SASE and one via e-mail. My breath still caught at the sight of Editor in the address portion of my inbox and my own sloppy handwriting on an envelope underneath my Comcast bill. Instead of feeling sad or angry, I laughed. I knew what they were going to say. I have finally figured out that I can laugh and be happy that somebody who knows something about literature has taken the time to just read my stuff. It has given me the "I'll show 'em!" attitude.
While doing some research on a short story(sitting in a room full of soccer moms while my daughter got her 45 minutes worth of dance instruction), I got an idea for yet another story! Bonus - I even thought up the first line! I lay in bed last night with a pretty floral journal that my best friend gave me for Christmas. Instead of writing down the idea for the tale, I actually began to write it! When my husband came to bed, I was already 3 pages into the story. I was scribbling like a mad woman and finally had to call it quits when my eyes began to get tired, my hands asleep from writing in an upward position. I'm eager to continue at bedtime tonight...my favorite time to write. The creative part of my brain is rolling like a mouse in a wheel.
Hey...I think I've gotten my groove back!