I recently read somewhere to only write what you know and if you don't know about it, read about it. I once attended the Louisiana Book Festival in Baton Rouge and had the chance to ask Pulitzer Prize-winner Rick Bragg how one would know if a story is worth writing, and of course, eventually reading. He told me with all seriousness that if it means anything to me at all, then yes, it is most certainly worth it. I am determined to milk his reply for all it's worth. This is my journey. The ups. The downs. And all of the words in between.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

December Louisiana Road Trips

I was very disappointed this year to find out that the Louisiana Book Festival had closed its doors due to budget cuts. My article on page 5 is my homage to book festivals and why they mean so much to writers and readers.

1 comment:

  1. The article was cut in half due to room issues. It's not as interesting as the original piece.
