As a writer, reader, and avid book buyer, the month of March has been a big month for me. I will ALWAYS support the printed, paper book. I don't care how many trees it saves to use other formats, the feel of a book in my hands (and even the smell) will always be special moments in my life. I don't think I could manage very well without books, coffee, chocolate, etc. etc.
For Christmas I ended up getting a Kindle, which I have to say, although it took me about 2 months to pick it up, I finally gave in and LOVE it! No, I can't smell the ink or feel the smoothness of paper under my fingertips, but I can read a large novel without giving myself carpel tunnel and it fits nicely in my purse. So, when I went to the bookstore a week ago and found myself picking up books and putting them back down, thinking I could just get them on my kindle, I shocked myself beyond belief. After rebelling for so long, I have become one of those people. And I have to say, I have no problem with it.
Another first for this month is the fact that I took a weekend trip to New Orleans and didn't go into a SINGLE bookstore!! Mind blowing, I know. I only even brought home one brochure, for a tour I didn't even get to take. I will admit, however, that I have been home from New Orleans for two days and have already called the
Garden District Book Shop to order a signed book.
After months of hearing from various people that I should try writing on my iPhone in Evernote (an app that I have had for months but never really used much), I finally reached a point where I just had to do it. Fat-fingering on a phone keyboard is one of my big pet peeves, which is why I don't even text much. But on the way home from New Orleans, in the dark, there was no way I could pull out my notebook and pencil. So, I picked up my phone and wrote like made all the way from Natchitoches to Shreveport. Now...I just have to remember to actually transfer it all to my computer.