I recently read somewhere to only write what you know and if you don't know about it, read about it. I once attended the Louisiana Book Festival in Baton Rouge and had the chance to ask Pulitzer Prize-winner Rick Bragg how one would know if a story is worth writing, and of course, eventually reading. He told me with all seriousness that if it means anything to me at all, then yes, it is most certainly worth it. I am determined to milk his reply for all it's worth. This is my journey. The ups. The downs. And all of the words in between.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Writer's ADD...Really?

Is there a clinical condition for writers that is the equivalent of ADD? If so, I think I have it. Even as I'm blogging at this very moment, I am thinking of other things that I could be writing.

When it comes to writing fiction, I have no problem whatsoever with starting stories. The first paragraph is like the first hit of a strong drug to me. Once it's written, I just tend to get tired and sleepy. Then I look back later and think "I wrote that? Wow! I guess I should finish it now." But while I'm trying to finish up that "wild and crazy night", I remember other stories that I have started, waiting as if they were a puppies begging for treats.

I spend a good bit of my writing time trying to DECIDE what to work on, and either I get pulled in another direction and don't write anything at all, or I discover that I only have just a little bit of time left to even do it! It's not procrastination...it's writer's ADD, right? I wonder if any of the great authors had this problem. And the bigger question is, how do I tame the beast?

"A half-baked idea is okay as long as it's in the oven." - Unknown

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